3 Reasons Why We Subconsciously Love Autumn

I am unashamedly in love with Autumn.

It’s the perfect season. It’s only flaw, I dare say, is that early September becomes late November before we even realize that our trees have become bare.

Here’s why we are subconsciously in love with this season:


1. As soon as fall arrives, it begins to leave (pun intended).

the_falling_leavesYou know how it goes. Time flies when you’re having fun. And vice versa. When you want something to end, it takes its sweet time. So it is with the seasons.

When winter comes, it’s so cold that you want it to end. And so, it doesn’t.

When spring comes, you’re looking forward to summer. And so, it takes forever to get there.

When summer comes, it’s so hot that you’re praying for fall to come and cool you off. And so, summer drags on.

Fall is the only season that you really hang on to, because it’s followed by the universally accepted worse season of all, winter.

Fall even emphasizes the point that it’s always about to end by showing us falling leaves, even as early as September. We literally see fall going away before our eyes. And in wishing that the multicolored leaves would hang on a little longer, we’re making that time fly even quicker.


2. Our brain associates holidays with fall.

The_nightmare_before_christmas_poster Christmas is unquestionably #1. But from January until September there’s only a slew of minor players (Valentines Day, St. Patty’s, Easter, Mother/Father Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day), and one major holiday (Independence Day). But with the fall comes holiday’s #2 and #3. We get an entire month of the theatrical spookiness of Halloween, and then the food-stuffing family-and-football filled Thanksgiving. It also hosts the perfect build up to Christmas.

And let’s be honest, with Black Friday’s segue of Thanksgiving into Christmas, autumn also has a legit claim on December. Scientifically, winter doesn’t even begin til December 21st, so it’s not hard to claim that Autumn gets Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas rights. thanksgivingdinner

It’s not hard to realize that our subconciouses treat Autumn and the magic of holidays as one and the same.




3. Humans (and animals) are programmed to “fall” in love.

love-in-autumn-veikko-suikkanenAs the weather cools off, the cuddling turns on. Is it any coincidence that most animals are born in the spring? I’m sure there are dozens of articles backing me up, but there’s seriously something going on in the air during fall time. Looking back, most of my life’s serious relationships began in the fall. And while it’s easy to love my wife Holly year-round, everything seems a bit more effortless in the autumn-time.Creek at Fairborn10 - 9-27-13

Maybe this new-found love happens because of all of the other “beginnings” during fall. The start of school, the start of work (after getting back from summer vacations), the start of football, basketball, and hockey season. We’re in fresh slate, start-over mode. And that leads to new relationships.

Mark my words. Love is in the air!


Don’t let fall pass you by! Take more walks, go to a pumpkin patch, drink some cider, get a girlfriend. Do whatever it takes to soak in the best season of the year.

2 Responses

  1. Wade Anderson (@waderyan27)
    | Reply

    Funny article Travis.

  2. thatkaringirl
    | Reply

    Winter = universally accepted worst season ever. I couldn’t agree with you more!

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