The creative minds out there already know that Jenga blocks can should be used for much more than the tumbling game they were designed for.
Luckily, I work at a chill, creative ad agency and they don’t mind that I spend a few minutes each day building a new structure. Plus, my co-workers are usually the ones that get to knock them down, so everyone’s happy. Everyone’s a kid at heart with a little digging.
Below are 19 of the creations made by myself, and my co-worker Ryan, over the past couple of months. Each represents a famous building or structure from around the world.
All structures were created using ONLY Jenga blocks, from only ONE set.
1. Eiffel Tower
2. Colosseum
- jenga colosseum
3. CN Tower
4. Notre Dame Cathedral
5. Aztec Temple
6. Greek Parthenon
7. Arc de Triomphe
8. Empire State Building
9. St. Louis Arch (Squished)
10. Great Wall of China
11. Igloo
12. Leaning Tower of Pisa
13. Rome Pantheon
14. U.S. Pentagon
15. Seattle Space Needle
16. Mormon Tabernacle
17. Stonehenge (pre-destruction)
18. The White House
19. Tree of Life
Have a Jenga building to add to the list? Leave a pic in the comments!
6 Responses
Franklin Ho
nice buildings
OMG please please please,! do more of these it’s so fun to make these
Blog 2 – Organisational Skills, Schedules & Planning – My Portfolio
[…] Hankcock (2014) Famous Buildings Made Entirely Of Jenga Blocks [Image]. Available Online: [Accessed […]
Charles Harper
If you would help us more on building them, that qould be helpful. I try a lot of them for fun and they always fall.
16 Cool Things To Build With Jenga Blocks | Oddblocks
[…] Credit: Travis Hancock […]
I made the wight house (Not the one shown on this), Iwould like to put mine on here